Hearing aids are powered by zinc air batteries. All hearing aids have batteries and they come in several sizes. It is very important that the batteries are inserted into your hearing aid correctly. At Rocky Mountain Audiology, we will ensure that you understand how to best care for your hearing aids and this includes an understanding of what batteries you will need and how to insert them.

The average life of a hearing aid battery is 5 days -3 weeks depending upon the sizes and power of the hearing aid. Volume control can also effect the life of your batteries.

Batteries currently on the market are what are called “Zinc-Air”. A Zinc-Air battery typically lasts longer that the outdated mercury batteries and are much less toxic to recycle. They come with a protective tab at the top which protects the energy inside the battery from being lost in transport and packaging. You must remember to remove this tab before inserting into your hearing aid. It is best to allow battery to sit 3-5 minutes after you remove the sticker and before closing the battery door.

Hearing aid batteries should be stored in a cool, dry place just like other batteries – however because hearing aid batteries operate at full power until they are fully drained, they tend to lose power quite abruptly. It is always a good idea to carry extra or spare hearing aids – just in case!

Come in to Rocky Mountain Audiology to get quality hearing aid batteries. We are always here to answer any questions you might have.

We provide hearing aid batteries for $29.00 per carton of 10 (total 60 batteries).. If you are looking for batteries you can pick them up at either office or we can send them to you.

Hearing Aid Battery Products

How are you protecting your investment?


You depend on your hearing instruments to hear well. So doesn't it make sense to take care of your hearing aids? You can maintain peak performance, reduce repairs, and enjoy better sound quality - it's easy, with Dry aid kits.

Dry Aid kits benefit all types of hearing instruments - traditional hearing aids as well as cochlear implant equipment, noise maskers, ear monitors, and more. Best results are achieved with in-home use every night. While you sleep, it removes moisture, dries earwax, and deodorizes your hearing instruments. Certain models even kills germs, thanks to its UV-A,B and C germicidal lamp. For most users, results include: Fewer repairs, better sound quality, relief from itchy ears, longer battery life, fresh and clean hearing aids.

If you have ever experienced fuzzy or distorted sound, weakness, static, intermittency, short battery life, or even all-out failure of your hearing aids, and you've confirmed that the batteries are good, there's a good chance that the culprit is either moisture or earwax. In fact, manufacturers report that as many as one-half of the aids they receive for repair are malfunctioning due to moisture or earwax. Thanks to Dry aid kits, you can save yourself the time, expense, and aggravation of those preventable repairs.

Call our office today: 970.945.7575 or 970.926.6660 to order.

No matter what your hearing loss, level of social activity or financial budget, Rocky Mountain Audiology will help you find the appropriate hearing aid for you.

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